Hopeful …

fullsizeoutput_2b5eYesterday started slow, but picked up steam.  I felt like going shopping.  So I went!  That may seem like a small thing for me to be celebrating, but that hasn’t happened in over a year.  This Is Huge!


Yes, I know it isn’t even Thanksgiving yet, but I need a new tree and I liked the idea of a new one. Don’t worry girls I didn’t buy it — yet. hahaha. Look Mama its on SALE!

We changed/upped my thyroid meds yet again over the past two weeks. I have to go up in increments instead of jumping straight into the full dose or my body freaks on me.  Yesterday, was the Third day for me to be on the prescribed dose.  I actually felt like doing things and I felt hopeful–I wasn’t aware I wasn’t hopeful–but apparently I’d been moving on auto pilot.

The other big reason this was a huge deal–it was the day after TRAVEL.  Over the past few years, I usually have to rest in bed for the first day or mostly sit.  Especially, when days before I had a slumber party with my 7 yr and 1 yr old grand girlies and a 1st birthday party at my house–I was so tired I was winning when the weekend was over–the day before we drove.  HUGE!!


She is getting into this cake–it gets much worse! Love my grands so! hahaha

There is a sliver of hope that I might even be able to kick this fat to the curb too!  Where is this hope coming from?  I don’t know!  But I like it!

I only lasted from 11 am to 3 pm, but it still was great!  I shopped until I dropped and when I dropped I dropped FAST.  Thankfully, Mike was home so he could help me.  Everytime, I would start to moan about how awful I felt–all I would start talking about how exciting it was that I was able to be this tired!


It was a very nice evening

I even closed my evening down with a walk on the beach … life is grand … even when it sucks.  If you know where to look!



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