Hey Y’all

No, I don’t sound like Paula Dean–well not normally.  I kinda like to do that ever-now-and-again just for effect.  I am VERY southern in my location, but ask anybody around I just don’t seem completely southern–I think I was stolen from an NYC parent and transplanted in the South–LOVE it up there.  Don’t get me…

Weigh in DAY #…Uh…I forget the number

I won’t beat about the bush.  It STUNK! Yep — I gained, and I gained BIG!  I went from 156.5 to 168.  UUHHHGGGG — 11.5 pounds GAIN!!  YUCK, and Double YUCK!  Did I flip?  Not right away.  Kinda crept up on me later, and I went all Forth-of-July-ballistic on Mikey.  He is totally a keeper.…

Hey Y’all

I just got back from a trip and had barely started to put the normal back into my life, when I had surprise visits from family.  I just wanted you all to know: 1) I haven’t quit 2) I have not started major cheating on my diet 3) I haven’t quit blogging Life has just…

My Destructive Love Affair

What does a  love affair have to do with weight loss …. read on dear reader.  I am sure you will see how it weaves its way into the very fabric of weight loss. I must confess that I have become an awful cheater.  Lust has taken a hold in my belly and has completely…

Puny on Steriods

Last nite we had a GREAT time with friends, listening to the Trainer Nazi’s son sing.  He is amazing.  Laughing at each other’s goofball shenanigans, all the while, we breathed in cigarette smoke.  I am HIGHLY-supercharged allergic to cigarette smoke, and I was in so much pain that, by the time we got most of…

Yellow sheet? Brown towel? That is my question…

Why do I have a picture of two towels?  Do I have a towel fetish?  NOPE!  They are, however, extremely important to me.  Throughout my battle with obesity, there are several things/situations that have brought shame and discouragement that were so overwhelming that I was not sure how I would get through them.  As with…

Hey there y’all it is Weigh In #23!!

Why am I so dang excited about weigh in #23?  Did I lose like 5 pounds?  Nope.  I did lose, but it wasn’t stellar.  You have to understand this week has been a MAJOR challenge for me.  I haven’t slept well.  Most nights I have taken my sleep apnea mask off in my sleep or…

It is Weigh In #22

I know some of you all might just wonder what happened to me today and WHY I am so late in posting.  I am sorry for the lackadaisical postings of late.  The whole back thing has just put a crimp in my style.  Everything I do takes WAY longer, and I am worn out quicker. …

Sexy Sunday

Why is my Sunday sexy, you ask?  Is it because Mikey and I have escaped to some exotic get away?  I am at some hot new show that is a must-do-before-you-die kinda thing?  Have I turned a corner in my weight loss that I can exercise to my heart’s content while I still lose 3…

Torment and Pleasure

I had a session with the Trainer Nazi yesterday in the AM.  She knew from my Facebook post that I was in PAIN.  So she was ready for me when I got there Friday at 8AM; to get me the right workout to help with back pain.  She worked on (sweatly tortured) that area for…