Is anyone ready for a Fashion Show?????

I started work on this last night, but got distracted.  I guess you can call an elevated argument with your better half a distraction.  I can tell you this much: it sorta consumed all my attention.  😀  In case you are wondering; yes, we resolved our differences.  We never leave a fight to fester — you do that and things could ROT.  YUCK!  I don’t know about you, but I don’t like rotten things, but I do LIKE Mikey a LOT–even when he makes me angry. 😀

Ahhh …. Such is life.

NO, I am not going to wax poetical … this really is gonna be a Walk down memory lane with photo evidence.

Today’s Stats:

Starting Weight with Donna: 263

Starting weight OptiFast: 255

Today’s weight my scale: 171.8

What’s my goal — it is changing right now, because I am not sure I want to stop at 150.  Why?  Well, we know I gain weight when I lift, and I plan to lift, so I am thinking of dropping down to 135-140 to allow for the adjustment of eating more food, fats, and building muscle.  I think the whole just making it to 150; then, I bounce back up to 160 or so from weights training will flip me out.  So I want some wiggle room.  I will weigh that out as I get closer to my original goal of 150.

Stole that idea from Grumpy

And we begin our journey down memory lane. The me on the right wearing the pants with very little wiggle room in the legs and that is with ONE leg in each side instead of two as the picture on the right.

**Sorry the words "fit into" should be included in the sentence, "where two cheeks will fit into one side," happens to be missing. 😀 You can see where there are pudgy places ... I can actually walk around in these pants now and both rumpus cheeks almost fit in one rumpus cheek. 😀

You can't see that I am wearing the black pants in the photo on the left, but you can see how my tummy might be large enough to fill up the pants. The photo on the right is me early in the OptiFast meltdown. 😀

Again you can see the rolls left to lose, but you can see how much room there is in the black pants ... Gotta say I like it so much more that I can fit two cheeks in the one side. 😀 Life's good!

That’s all of the fashion for for today.  This is what I do to encourage myself when I don’t feel like I can see the change or things are not moving well enough for me.  I go back and photograph the changes — sometimes it is easier to see the changes when you take a picture.  It really helps my mood to look back and rejoice over how far I have come.

What do you do to encourage yourself to press forward with your goals (whether they be weight loss or some other goal) when you have set backs?  How do you keep yourself motivated?  What makes you get up off the sofa/bed and get moving forward again?

Waiting to hear your motivational tools.  😀  …S

22 thoughts on “Is anyone ready for a Fashion Show?????

  1. HOW do you know when you’ve lose a lot of weight? When you can fit your whole body into one of your old pant legs. WOW! You know…one leg of those Paisley pattern pants could make a hot hoochie mama skirt. 🙂 :). YOU LOOK FABULOUS DARLING! Bridgette

    • It seemed like a dream to ever hope for what you see in the pictures. It has been an amazing journey.

      I have actually thought about making that pair of pants into a skirt. We shall see … I can sew. hehehe …. when I make it to goal the sides should meet completely with a little room for overlap. It would be a wonderful reminder of where I have come from … don’t cha think? 😀 Thanks for being such a sweety!

  2. Lookin’ good, Shonnie! You’re AMAZING! Seriously, honey, what a journey. I so appreciate you sharing it with us.
    I stay motivated by planning, which sounds counterintuitive, but it works for me. I find that if I know everything about a problem, I can break it down into steps, each requiring a slightly different approach so that I don’t get bored. And then I reward myself at the end of each step. If that makes any sense.
    Also? Hooray for YOU!

    • Does anyone know how to deal with hunger based on medication. Been on this Prednisone for 4 days , gained 4 lbs and cannot exercise due to muscle inflamation…I am slugging down the water and the fruits and vegetables but not having much luck…if I stay on this for a year which I might I will be a balloon….I am doing puzzles, knitting, reading….praying….any suggestions would be appreciated…thanks Nancy

      • Nancy, did the docs who gave you the meds offer you an suggestions?? I mean that is hard to battle. I know meds can really mess you up–especially when you can’t be active. I am sure you have expressed to them your weight conserns. I mean this is a big deal.

  3. So… it would appear you can alter you pants into a really sexy, formfitting pencil skirt. 🙂

    So proud! I’m thinking since the fam will be together this Christmas, Ethan and I can do another photo (since I never posted the one from the wedding in June) with the original “before” photo from the Olympics. And maybe I’ll put on the one pair of jeans I saved. Should be interesting…

    • I think that would be VERY interesting. I know it has helped my mood a lot, looking back and seeing how far I have come. It helps me see I can keep pushing and regain my health. Can’t wait to see your photos!!!! 😀

  4. The last photo of you. The one with the yellow vest thing on with you holding out the waist of the black trousers is simply, amazing, mind boggling and impressive. I mean. How have you ulled that off, apart from the determination and guts part of it. I mean it’s just a fantastic achievment and you have every right to be proud of yourself. 🙂

    • Thanks Ducky. Just finished reading another of your wonderfully moving posts. 🙂 I am proud, I guess, mostly relieved. It is mind boggling … now you see why I called myself the Angry FAT woman, cuz I wuz! hehehe! It is nice to rejoice over the victory of this, because it has been so long in coming. I have struggled with this for about 18 years or so. It is really nice. 😀

      • Shonnie

        It is truly amazing and life changing… proud of you….for once you put you as Top Priority..

        You have always been a BLESSING to the family. Mikey has very good taste and is a very intelligent person!

        Blessings,,,,,,Nancy When are all those Grandbabies due? More blessings!!!!

      • Thanks Nancy that was sweet of you to say. It is hard to put yourself first for such a long time, but I think it is going to pay off for everyone in the long run. 😀 Latest grandbaby is due December 21st! yea!!! I leave for Alaska December 25th. I can hardly wait.

  5. I think about the rewards I want in exchange for putting out the effort to achieve the goal. Conversely, I think about how I DO NOT like how it is being where the goal is not achieved.

    I also know that, if I press on, I get little “rewards” as surprises to me all along the way.

  6. That is some serious doing Shonnie….I am on a high dose of Prednisone for the myositis and I am not looking forward to regaining the 20 lbs I lost as I cannot exercise..been forbidden…move yes…exercise as swim, long walks…no 😦 You are my motivation for reaching my goal of feeling better and living each day in its truth good or bad….I love your Blog…….Nancy

    • So sorry to hear about that Nancy. I can say I know exactly how frustrating that is. Hold on. I know you can relose the 20. I know how hard it is to deal with that and how discouraging that can be, but you can do it. I just hope they fix your problems. I am going to hope and pray that you won’t gain that 20 back. 😀

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