Breaking the Silence

Ok … so I made it back to the beach.  The picture from yesterday was how my super heated brain was imagining the water.  I had the delicious idea that I was going to dive under the water and cool myself off.  I was going to bask in the ocean’s cool embrace.  That kept me…

Gone ta the Birds

Gonna give you a pic update of what I did over the weekend before all the crazy work stuff took over my life.  I didn’t take pics of the Y and the Trainer Nazi Sessions.  So, I will give you the pictorial of my fun weekend.  Mike and I are planning to get our household…

The Ride and Beyond

You will now notice, that in my pictorial remembrance of yesterday, there are NO pics of the return … that would be because I was fighting against the wind and couldn’t think about much of anything but GETTING HOME.  The ride was around 35 + miles round trip.  I made several detours and I am…

Just so you don’t Panic

Grumps … I was thinking of you when I wrote that title. Anyway … just so you don’t panic and think I have run off to join the circus or that I have given up on blogging, healthy eating, and exercise, I thought that I should let you know that I will be out a…

Were have I been?

Lost in warp space. Actually, I slept off and on all day on Monday.  Tuesday, was only slightly better.  Today, I went to the store twice to get things I forgotten on earlier errand runs, and still I forgot the much needed items.  I’ve been walking around in a mental fog.  I’m here, but not…

The Dapples

I walked out onto my neglected deck, where the garden looks pitifully more like abused weeds than the sanctuary it was created to be.  Alas, there has been too little rain, followed by too much rain, further followed by too little rain again.  Many of my cherished plants are but blacken twigs, clawing from the…

Will tomorrow be my Epic Fail?

OH MY WORD … Tomorrow I WEIGH IN for the first time in 3 weeks. I am strongly concerned that this will be my first time to gain.  Once I returned home from Colorado, my body seemed to drop pounds, but all my nut munchin’ has kinda caught up with me.  I so wish I…

Today … a day like yesterday…

Today’s stuff: My day started out well.  No exercise, but well.  Sophia was a very cooperative buddy today and allowed me to run my errands before leaving town.  I didn’t make a list yet, Beth … I kept meaning to, but I didn’t make it … I am blaming it on my illness.  I have…

Soooooo Where Have I been?

Let me give you the run down: I have been under the weather. ~~still under the weather I went to the Doctor yesterday–Thank Goodness–I don’t have pneumonia, just a bacterial infection.  YUM!  I am now on meds to clear all this up. The cable internet and house phone were down yesterday; thankfully, the cable company…

Puny on Steriods

Last nite we had a GREAT time with friends, listening to the Trainer Nazi’s son sing.  He is amazing.  Laughing at each other’s goofball shenanigans, all the while, we breathed in cigarette smoke.  I am HIGHLY-supercharged allergic to cigarette smoke, and I was in so much pain that, by the time we got most of…